Our Team

meet our expert team

Meet our exceptional team of experts dedicated to delivering excellence. With diverse backgrounds and expertise, they are equipped to provide innovative solutions and superior service to exceed your expectations.


Majid Aziz

Lead Architect
Majid Aziz is Lead Architect & Solution Architect in our team with 11 years of experience.

Raamish Aziz

Lead Developer, Business Developer
Raamish is currently leading a developers team. He has over 4 years of experience in relevant field.

Suleman Bashir

Sr. Backend Dev, Cloud Architect
Suleman has over 7 years of development and cloud management experience.

Muhammad Noman

Sr. Architect, Sr. Developer
M Noman is one of our exceptional design expert and senior developer with over 7 years of experience.

Taimoor Hassan

Sr. Backend Developer
Taimoor Hassan has experience in multiple language and frameworks of over 4 years.

Rafay Malik

Web Developer, Business Developer
Rafay Malik is currently leading our web designing team with over 4 years of experience.